Animals Are Conscious
Animals are generally considered to be sentient beings. Sentience refers to the capacity to have subjective experiences, sensations, and emotions. Many animals, including mammals, birds, and certain species of fish and invertebrates, have been observed to exhibit various forms of sentience. They can experience pleasure, pain, fear, joy, and other emotions.
As of November 2019, 32 countries have formally recognized non-human animal sentience. These are: Austria, Australia, Belgium, Bulgaria, Chile, Croatia, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, New Zealand, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Spain, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom.
1. Uruguay’s National Newspaper El PAIS: Spain approves new law recognizing animals as sentient beings
2. Compassion in World Farming: When Animals Suffer, We All Suffer
4. American Bar Association: In 1637 René Descartes declared nonhuman animals to be automatons.
5. Magpie Funeral VIDEO:
6. Are Animals Conscious VIDEO:
7. Animal Sentience: An Interdisciplinary Journal on Animal Feeling
8. Animals may be more reliably emotional than Humans: Animal Sentience Journal
9. Time to stop pretending we don’t know other animals are sentient beings: Animal Sentience Journal
10. Science Direct: Dimensions of Animal Consciousness
11. Chimp vs Human: Memory Test VIDEO
12. Scientific American: The Science Is In: Elephants Are Even Smarter Than We Realized
13. Is Elephant Self Aware and Conscious? VIDEO
14. Science Finally Proves Dolphins are Smarter than Humans VIDEO
15. Planet of the Apes Movie CLIP - Writing in the Sand (1968)
Howdy Awakenvideo Locals Community members and supporters.
We had some technical difficulties a few streams back with our Mnt. Meru live stream.
This is Bonnie's video that she made for the live stream. I am uploading it so you can enjoy it without the audio problems which occurred during the live stream broadcast.
We hope you will enjoy it.
Blessed Be,
John & Bonnie
Thank you to all of our Members and a special holiday gratefulness to our Supporting Members. This New Year can only bring us all closer to the realization of ascension and a more fulfilling spiritual existence.
Happy New Year !
We hope you enjoy this very first live stream.
Due to technical difficulties the last 15 minutes of the stream were cut off. We will have the bugs worked out by next Friday's stream.
Please join us every Friday at 7 p.m. EDT.
Awesome video. So sorry I missed it. I was blessed to have raised my beautiful German Sheppard boy, Perseus, for 12 + years. He was the BEST big brother for every dog and cats we had together. He was in obvious pain, and constantly panting in pain no matter what medication I could give him for some relief. For the last 2 years of his life, he and I would have conversations about 'him telling me when he had enough' because his Spirit was so strong and beautiful, he was obviously hanging out for me. I had called my vet, while at work, and asked that if I decided that I needed to 'put Perseus down' that he would not deny me that. How many animals I saw being pulled in on a wagon, so debilitated and miserable for the final humane peaceful release they needed. I felt Perseus needed to still have his vitale integrity intact when he left this world. I made the decision that was hard to do and when I returned home from work with the decision to take Perseus to the final visit to the ...